Home VM Eco Mil almond Milk – a gluten free and sugar free vegan alternative to cow’s milk

Eco Mil almond Milk – a gluten free and sugar free vegan alternative to cow’s milk

by Darryl Grima


Veggy Malta tried Eco Mil almond milk. This is a 100% vegan product, which is also sugar free, gluten free and organic. That’s a long list to carry on one packet!

Eco Mil is a Spanish company with it’s roots going back to 1991. The company today offers a range of products coming from organic farming and which are also lactose free. Eco Mil products are an alternative to cow’s milk. In fact their products are targeted at the needs of vegetarians, vegans and individuals with intolerances.  Eco Mil have a full selection of alternative milks. They have a full range of milks from hazelnuts, hemp, coconut, sesame, quinoa, chia, tigernut and almond.

Eco Mil Almond milk (and other products) carry the sunflower vegan brand, given by the vegansociety.com.

I tried Eco Mil Almond milk with my morning muesli. Whilst there was a subtle almond taste, the almond milk did not distract from the taste of the muesli. The same can be said with tea. For Maltese who love taking English breakfast tea, almond milk can be a suitable replacement to dairy.


But what are the benefits of almond milk?

Almond milk has a number of benefits. Almond milk has a low calorie content and is also free of cholesterol and saturated fats. It is also gluten free and therefore suitable for celiacs. Like all dairy free milks, this product is suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or have a milk allergy.

Eco Mil is also sugar free. This is because it contains less that 0.5g of total sugar per 100ml (in line with the EU regulation). They do contain naturally occurring sugar up to 0.1g per 100ml. This usually makes it a product of choice for those following a low calorie diet.

Eco Mil is imported and distributed locally by Green Trade Malta Ltd. They have a website and a facebook page. The consumer price of a 1ltr packet of Eco Mil almond milk is €2.95. It is available from most supermarkets and health shops.

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1 comment

Afaf April 17, 2020 - 10:25 am

I love it 🥰


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