Veggy Malta went to Marsaskala. To be precise I went to Bidni, which is between Haz-Zabbar and Marsaskala. There further in from the quaint chapel of Madonna tad-Dawl, there is Stefan and Antoinette’s organic farm.
Their farm is a registered organic farm. The farm actually started as a hobby where Stefan and Antoinette Psiala could grow their own food without pesticides but is slowly taking up more and more of their time. It still is a small operation yet the products that they do not consume for themselves, they sell. They usually have on their facebook page what is available for sale. The list vegetables that they grow includes kale, chard, rocket, beetroot, leeks, green garlic, fennel bulb, lettuce, string beans, radish, aubergine, pomegranates, basil, garlic, cherry tomatoes, green peppers, butternut squash, chilli pepper, chicory, cucumbers, kohlrabi and more. All the products are freshly harvested and seasonal.
Along with the friendly cats that guard the fields, I was pleased to find a number of hens running around. This immediately intrigued me, and I turned to Stefan and told him “so you have free range hens!”. His answer was yes. Which inevitably means, free range eggs. It was a great sight to see the hens running around rather than being stuck in a cage. They clearly show that they are a happy bunch.
The other animals on the farm are some honey bees. Two boxes of honey bees are on one side of the far, providing honey and also pollinating.
How much do the free range eggs from Bidni cost?
If you are interested in buying Maltese free range and organic eggs, the price will be €2.00 for 6 eggs. Prices of all the other products that are in season are always found on their facebook page.
I would want to buy eggs this week. Thank you
Hi Valeris, you need to contact Bidni Farm on +356 7970 3366 please.
The label on packs indicate the (1) side of the eggs and number of eggs in the pack (2) label also shows the licence No and the type ie. Organic, free range, barn, Cage BUT how does one know which type us in the pack or where is the type indicated on the label ?
Thanks & Regards,
Interesting question John.
Does this link help
Darryl – VeggyMalta