Paula a.k.a Polly – Welcome to “Paula Attard – Green Kitchen” section. Green Kitchen aims to be a resource to help you live better and make vegetables cool.
Polly has been following a Vegan, Plant-Based Lifestyle for more than 5 years now, and it’s such an energizing, and fruitful both mentally and physically lifestyle. The ultimate goal of this section is to inspire others to embrace more plant-based foods in their diet without feeling the least bit deprived. And yes, all recipes and informative posts shared on this social media are great for meat-eaters too!
What made Polly start this fantastic and also so versatile journey? Well, basically, she was never a fan of animal substance foods, including dairy foods. From a young age, dairy foods used to upset her stomach and she used to dread those days when some sort of animal type of food was on her plate for lunch/dinner at home. Favourite foods were, and still are, pasta (especially the traditional “mqarrun” dish) and homemade pizza. Nowadays, both dishes can be done in a Vegan alternative, so they are still a favourite.
For Polly, it was easy to stop eating animal products. It all happened so sudden! One day she woke up and decided to stop eating animal foods there and then. From that day up until today, she never went back! The more she learns about this type of lifestyle, the deeper the love and the grater the passion and excitement to learn and experiment more.
Every day, she feels more and more thankful for taking such decision. It may seem like you have to give up a lot in order to become vegan, but in actuality, you gain so much more than you eliminate. Today you find guidance and help online especially on social media (vegan groups, social media pages and websites) that it helps you start this journey with good knowledge and full support. You can never get bored of the varied of food recipes, instead, you worry about how you’re going to find time to cook it all.
Her choice of food and diet connects her with her health, the Earth, with her belief in compassion for all living beings and her sense of inner peace. She believes that a plant-based diet is not about giving up anything but rather about creating change in her life and in the world.
This lifestyle has motivated and inspired Polly so much that she wanted to dig deeper and help others to have courage to go through the same wonderful life changing experience just like her. This path has led her to study about her greatest passion and qualify as a Diet & Nutrition Adviser. Polly is also a qualified Indoor Cycling Aerobics Instructor where nowadays she teaches classes 3 times a week.
Seeing other happy, healthier and knowledgeable about the importance of eating right and staying active, is Polly’s ultimate goal.
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