Don’t get hypnotised by my Spiral Vegetable Tart!
Thanks to Barbuto’s fresh, organic vegetables I could make this tart which had been on my to-do cooking list every since it went viral on the internet.
All you need is to bake your favourite pastry in a round ovenproof dish lined with baking paper (I buy ready-made vegan puff pastry), and in the meantime boil 2 large potatoes to prepare a mash. I prepared mine by mixing in home-made green pesto for a more complex taste. You can replace potatoes with pumpkin purée.
Whilst the above are cooking, thinly slice your favourite vegetables using a mandoline – I chose 1 carrot, 1 marrow, 1 aubergine and also prepared some coloured swiss chard stalks. The slices must be long strips, not higher than a few cms.
Once the pastry has a nice colour, bring it out of the oven and spread mashed potatoes on the base. Start creating the spiral by curling 3 vegetables strips together and placing them in the centre of the tart, they will hold when pressing them into the mashed potatoes. Continue layering vegetable strips alternating the colours, until you reach the perimeter of the pastry. You can drizzle/brush the top with vegetable/olive oil and back into the oven for a few minutes until the veggies are cooked through.
There’s loads of recipes on the internet to be inspired from, I got the idea from bosh.tv/recipes/spiral-tart. Just go with your instinct, use your favourite veggies and have fun cooking this colourful dish!
- Ready made vegan puff-pastry
- Baking paper
- Green pesto
- 1 carrot
- 2 large potatoes
- 1 marrow
- 1 aubergine
- A few coloured chards
- Olive oil
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