Home VM Meat free Lasagne Bolognese from Valsoia

Meat free Lasagne Bolognese from Valsoia

by Darryl Grima


Veggy Malta tried out Valsoia’s Lasagne Vegetale.

Lasagne is a very popular dish locally and in Italy. It is believed that the name of this dish comes from the Vulgar Latin word lasania, from Latin lasanum which meant a cooking pot, coming from the Greek word lasanon meaning pot with feet.[1] Strangely enough, the word used to originally refer to the pot in which the dish was prepared yet eventually the actually food took the name. [2]

So what’s in this lasagne Bolognese made by the Italian company Valsoia. First of all it is meat free (totally vegan) and dairy free. This makes it suitable for whoever is lactose intolerant. It is also a good source of protein and fibre. Plus it has a low amount of saturated fats.

How does this lasagne Bolognese taste?

Raising three vegetarian kids means that one needs to be creative as each one will have likes and dislikes. Kids today are quite distant from those we studied in Oliver Twist and are not happy with a simple bowl of soup. One is always looking out for good and easy food for them and Valsoia’s Lasagne Vegetali fits inside this category. All that is required is to open the packet, place in a plate, put in the microwave for 5 minutes at 800W and abracadabra it’s ready. Obviously the proof is in the eating. Does the plate return back empty or not! Well the plate got a thumbs up and satisfied the appetite of an after-school binge eating teenager.

I also tried the Valsoia Lasagne Vegetale myself, encouraged by the previous positive review. Whilst it is good to prepare one’s food with TLC, there are days when the only time one has is a limited slot to eat and continue working. The temptation would be to buy some junk food, which is easy to find in every corner of the island. This is why it is good to have a reserve of easy to prepare food in one’s freezer or larder. I believe that Valsoia’s lasagne Bolognese hits the mark here. Even better actually, as you have the comfort of a fast and easy to prepare plate, pleasant to eat, which though has none of the unhealthy effects of junk food.

The next question is what will this cost. Well a packet of Valsoia Lasagne Vegetale costs €3.99, which is a descent price for this meal. During the month of May Valsoia has an €1 off on all frozen meals including the Lasagne Vegetale.

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Gigi May 20, 2018 - 1:14 pm

Another great Valsoia products…Valsoia keep introducing more good and healthy products.

Melissa S May 22, 2018 - 7:12 pm

I had never tried Valsoia’s vegan lasagne. After reading this I bought one and put it in my freezer. To be used in emergencies. The other day I clearly didn’t feel like cooking so whilst browsing through what was available in the fridge and freezer I saw the box calling me. I added some vegan cheese on top of it. I heated it up in the cooker. The result was truly positive. Loved the taste and for a ready made convenience food, one cannot ask more. worth trying


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