Home VM Valsoia vegan hazelnut cream latte

Valsoia vegan hazelnut cream latte

by Darryl Grima
Valsoia vegan hazelnut latte

If you happen to like coffee and hazelnut cream then you will certainly like this combo. It’s a V (for vegan or Valsoia) hazelnut cream latte. My daughter Gaia who isn’t fond of coffee liked it as well.

Making this latte is quite simple. 

  • Using the first mug, start with making a double espressos (not a lungo, but making two espressos).
  • Then add two spoons of hazelnut cream to the coffee and stir the cream until it melts. 
  • Pour the coconut almond milk in your (second) mug. Pour in till a bit over half way. Then insert the milk into the coffee steamer and heat the milk and make it froth, making a nice cream on top.
  • Add the coffee and hazelnut cream to it and stir. 
  • Drink and enjoy.

Alternative method

Make a strong coffee (using your preferred instant coffee). In a saucepan add the coconut almond milk in the saucepan along with the hazelnut spread. Do not bring them to boil. Just warm the two and stir. When warm, add the milk to the coffee and enjoy.

I (and so did my daughter) particularly like the combination of the taste of the coconut almond milk, the hazelnut cream and the coffee. You could taste all three in separate and mixed notes. It is sweet enough and you don’t need to add any sugar. You can try making this vegan latte with other Valsoia vegetable based drinks like rice, almond or walnut.

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