Home VM Carrot, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, onion, Green Giant organic sweetcorn, green beans, rice and hummus Buddha bowl

Carrot, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, onion, Green Giant organic sweetcorn, green beans, rice and hummus Buddha bowl

by Darryl Grima


Veggy Malta made a carrot, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, onion, Green Giant organic sweetcorn, rice and hummus Buddha bowl. It’s easy to make and very nutritious. It’s also a very colourful plate which shows that you are taking in a balance of different nutritious vegetables.  The plate contains protein, carbohydrates, fibre and a mix of vitamins and minerals resulting from the various vegetables used.

Cooking instructions for the Buddha bowl

  1. Start with the rice. Heat the water and place the rice.
  2. Add a few strands of saffron and a pinch of turmeric in the water.
  3. Start cutting the carrots in sticks
  4. Leave the beans in their pods wash well.
  5. Put some water in a pan and heat. Then add the peas and after some time add the carrots.
  6. Remove the skin of the cucumber and then cut into thin slices. Then cut them into four quarters.
  7. Chop the cherry tomatoes
  8. Open the can of Green Giant organic sweetcorn and remove the liquid.
  9. Peat the onion and slice it. Open up the rings.
  10. The rice should be ready. Sieve out the water and wash under water to stop it continue cooking.
  11. Mix the poppy seeds and roasted pine nuts to the rice.
  12. Add a some of teriyaki sauce to the rice and leave it absorb the taste.
  13. The beans and carrots should be ready as well and remove from water.
  14. Start preparing the plate.
  15. Start with the cherry tomatoes, then onions, then the peas, the rice, the cucumbers and the Green Giant organic sweetcorn. Add the carrots beside the onions.
  16. On top of everything add the hummus with a sprinkle of turmeric.
  17. And over all add the rocket leaves.
  18. Enjoy.

Ingredients for the Carrot, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, onion, Green Giant organic sweetcorn, green beans, rice and hummus Buddha bowl

  • 3 large carrots
  • 1 can of Green Giant organic sweetcorn
  • 10 cm of cucumber
  • 12 cherry tomatoes
  • 12 French green beans
  • Small onion
  • Hummus
  • White rice (you can choose to use brown rice instead)
  • Pinch of turmeric
  • 2 tbsps poppy seeds
  • 2 tbsps roasted pine nuts
  • Teriyaki sauce
  • Rocket leaf

This vegan dish should serve two persons. I used Green Giant organic sweetcorn in this recipe which is salt free. It is EU certified organic and also carries the seal of approval from the Soil Association. Since it is ready steam cooked it is ready to serve and eat. Being an organic product you have the peace of mind that it is pesticide free. Green Giant also guarantees that their corn is without GMO and is inside a 100% recyclable container.


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Patpink June 27, 2018 - 9:42 am

Wonderful recipe. I love buddha bowls.. will try this one.

Marisa June 28, 2018 - 9:24 pm

Lovely colours to this Buddha bowl… Meaning a good balance of vegetables and nutrients. I tried it out… Great thanks.

Darryl Grima June 30, 2018 - 10:40 pm

Thanks Marisa

gavrielle July 3, 2018 - 8:13 am

Wonderful recipe. Tried it out and everybody loved it. I added some Himalayas salt to it. Great

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