Chickpea Omelette

by Alison Casha
chickpea omlette 2

chickpea omlette 2

And on the seventh day of Veggy Malta’s #maltameatfreeweek Alison created a chickpea omelette 😁

For the batter: 3/4 cup chickpea flour, 3/4 soya milk-alternative, 1 tbsp sea salt, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp cider vinegar, 2 tsp nutritional yeast, pinch of turmeric for yellowsh colour and baking soda for fluffiness.

Method: prepare batter by mixing the above ingredients together, it must be thick but runny like that of pancakes. Heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan and cook your favourite veggies, I chose spring onions, chopped tomatoes, sliced mushrooms and diced green pepper. Once cooked, pour the batter over the veggies and cover with a lid so that the steam can cook out the raw taste of chickpeas. Once you see that the omelette has firmed up, lift one side and flip it over. Cook to your preferred consistency. 

Do not expect the taste of an egg omelette but this is a great alternative for vegans. There are other interesting recipes out there that are based on tofu or aquafaba, will have to give those a try too before I can decide which omelette turned out best.

Happy Sunday everyone! 

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chickpea omelette

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