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VeggyMalta checks out Galbusera Zero Grano
by Darryl Grima
by Darryl Grima
VeggyMalta checks out Galbusera Zero Grano a #glutenfree and #lactosefree range of biscuits, crackers & wafers. Galbusera uses a #higholeic sunflower oil, with 70% #unsaturatedfat.
VMVM Product ReviewsVM Videos
VeggyMalta checks out Clipper Organic Tea
by Darryl Grima
by Darryl Grima
VeggyMalta checks out Clipper Organic Green Tea which is also #fairtrade. this #organicgreentea has unbeached teabags. #greantea is rich in #antioxidants#organic#clipper#clippertea