I had seen a recipe of a vegetarian Schnitzel some time ago on one of my favourite cooking shows on TV and went through a ton of recipes on the internet to come up with a veganised version. It’s cheap and nutritious to make, which confirms that “a plant-based diet is expensive” is a myth. The only ‘pricey’ ingredient is the hemp seeds, but once you read about their rich nutritional values like antioxidants, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins you will understand why I won’t trade them for the traditional breadcrumbs or panko.

Wash the red bell peppers well and cook them as you would normally do to remove the skin. You can either place them in a hot oven until they're cooked, or over a flame as I did, as it's faster. Place in a sealed bag for a few minutes to make it easier to peel the skin off. Once cooled, cut each pepper lengthwise from one side only, to be able to open them flat on the surface (see pic). Remove the stem and clean out all the seeds. Place the halloumi slice onto one half of each pepper, and feel free to season to your preference. You can add fresh or dried herbs, add slices of vegan ham slices ... whatever you want to find in it once cooked. Close the peppers like a book. Brush both sides of each pepper with Dijon mustard; this will not just give a kick to the taste but also allow the hemp seeds to adhere well. Cover with hemp seeds from both sides and place on an oven dish lined with baking paper. Cook in a hot oven (180C) for about 20mins or when the seeds start to brown. In the meantime you can prepare a veggie side. I simply blanched a bunch of Dandelion Greens in hot salted water, and transferred them into a frying pan for a light sauté in extra virgin olive oil aromatised with a garlic clove and chilli flakes. Added cooked cannellini beans for plant-based protein. Once the Schnitzel is cooked through, serve on a plate with a side of Dandelion Greens in the form of nests, topped with Cannellini. Place a wedge of lemon, its acidity pairs well with the sweetness of the pepper. Enjoy!